The client health and wellness is this Hair Salon priority, and this salon is following health and safety guidelines. The Allergy Alert Test is an essential part of any colour client’s journey and now, more than ever, health and safety is at the forefront of everyone’s minds.
The allergy testing is a procedure used by hair stylists and colour technicians before applying hair colour to the scalp. It is a simple and safe way of identifying whether the hair dye that the stylist intends to use will cause an Allergic reaction with the skin. The reason allergy testing is used, is to ensure that the chemicals in the hair dye are safe to use on the client.
The allergy testing will usually be done 48 hours prior to the appointment. We will then ask you to visit our Hair Salon to apply a small amount of the hair dye mixture to the inside of your wrist of forearm, and advise that it should not be washed for the next 45 minutes (unless an Allergic reaction takes place).
In case you do have an Allergic reaction to the patch test you will not be able to use any oxidation type hair dyes. You should inform our hair salon of your Allergic reaction and not book in any future colour appointments. You should also alert your Doctor immediately to let them know that you have had an Allergic reaction.